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A Morning Routine

☀️ Drinking a glass or two of water in the AM rehydrates the body and helps digestion. Adding lemon or lime provides loads of antioxidants and extra hydration to the body and is best consumed 20-30 minutes before eating.
☀️ Omega-3 supplements can help decrease inflammation, improve brain and cognitive functioning and reduce dry eye symptoms. It’s important to take omega 3 supplements in the triglyceride form in order to ensure absorption by the body. We like PRN’s Eye Omega supplement featured here.
☀️ Most of us are deficient in vitamin D so it’s important to supplement! Vitamin D plays a crucial role in immune system and bone health and get help boost mood. It helps to manage blood sugar levels and regulate hormones. Most of us need at least 1000mg a day or more if you are deficient. Of course, you can boost your vitamin D levels by spending 15-20 minutes outside in between 10am-2pm from May-September...but remember to apply sunscreen afterwards to keep your skin safe! PRN’s Eye Omega contains 1000mg of vitamin per serving.
☀️ Lutein and zeaxanthin are antioxidants that aid in skin and ocular health. You should consider supplementing with these vitamins especially if you have a family history of macular degeneration. They can help improve contrast and decrease light sensitivity. PRN’s Eye Omega contains both antioxidants!
☀️ Everyone needs a good multivitamin for overall health. We like Garden of Life’s multivitamins available for men and women.