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Vuity: A New Prescription Eye Drop for Presbyopia

Presbyopia typically occurs around the age of 40 and results in blurred vision at near. Over time, the lens inside of the eye hardens and loses its flexibility, leading to blur when looking at objects within arms length.

Symptoms of presbyopia include eyestrain when reading, pulling reading material further away to see it better, and eye fatigue or headaches when performing near tasks. It can take the eyes extra time to clear objects at a distance after focusing on something up close.

Treatments for presbyopia include eyeglasses (progressives, readers, bifocals), multifocal or monovision contacts, surgical multifocal refractive lens exchange or monovision LASIK. There is a new solution for patients who do not want to constantly rely on glasses or contacts and do not want to proceed with surgery.

Vuity is a prescription eye drop that helps improve near vision by temporarily reducing pupil size. This once a day drop typically lasts for eight hours and reduces the dependence on reading glasses. Schedule a visit with our medical optometrist, Dr. Giulia Tinari, to find out if you are a candidate for Vuity.