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OptiLight IPL for dry eye, ocular rosacea and skin rejuvenation

OptiLight IPL is the first and only FDA-approved in-office light therapy treatment for the management of meibomian gland dysfunction, the leading cause of dry eye. OptiLight IPL is not a laser; rather, it works by scattering specific wavelengths of light onto the skin, triggering a reduction in inflammatory vessels and boosting collagen rejuvenation. It helps to repair and protect the meibomian glands which surround the upper and lower eyelids. The heat generated by the treatment allows for an immediate evacuation of inflamed meibum (oil) and improved quality of meibum, leading to a healthy ocular surface. This treatment is also useful for treating styes, chalazia, and ocular rosacea.

Aesthetic benefits of OptiLight IPL include:

•collagen rejuvenation

•brightening of under eye dark circles caused by hyperpigmentation

•even skin tone by reducing red or brown/age spots

•hydrates the skin and plumps fine lines

Patients typically achieve best results after four rounds of treatments spaced 2-4 weeks apart. Sessions may be repeated once a year to maintain ocular and aesthetic results. Flexible spending or health savings accounts may be used to cover the cost of treatments.

Dr. Tinari is one of the first eye care providers in our area to offer this exciting technology and has seen amazing results in hundreds of patients. Whether you are looking to improve dry eye symptoms, achieve aesthetic results, or both, schedule a dry eye evaluation to find out if you are a candidate.

Sorella Optique